TYPE: Special Meeting
DATE: 7/29/2024       TIME: 2:00 PM
LOCATION: Warren County Middle School
1.0 Opening of Meeting
1.1 Meeting Call to Order Info
1.2 Moment of Silence Info
2.0 Approval of the Agenda
2.1 Motion to Approve the July 29, 2024 Special Called Meeting Agenda Action
3.0 Action Items
3.1 Special Custom Update/Title IX Policy Updates Action
3.2 Amerigus Staffing Contract for School Counselor Action
4.0 Convene in Closed Session
4.1 Motion to Convene in Closed Session Action
5.0 Reconvene in Open Session
5.1 Announcement that Board is in Open Session Info
6.0 Action on Closed Session Item(s)
6.1 Approval Personnel Report Action
7.0 Closing of Meeting
7.1 Motion to Adjourn Meeting Action